The Tarot’s Major Arcana: a Secret Map to the Development of Consciousness? (Public)

On the journey of infinite becoming

The Tarot’s Major Arcana: a Secret Map to the Development of Consciousness? (Public)

In the conversation with Jenna Card in the video above, she and I explore the Tarot's Major Arcana as a map to the development of consciousness, or as a map to the journey of consciousness.

A couple of years ago I felt so drawn to create this poster of the Tarot’s Major Arcana, showing the 22 archetypes as elements of beingness, ready to be explored and experienced, that exist in potential within us all. You could think of it as a map of the infinite process of becoming.

The “map” organizes the 21 cards of the Major Arcana (minus The Fool) into three rows of experience: the development of the rational mind, the development of the subconscious emotional body, and the development of the superconscious spiritual being. Organizing the cards in this way also creates seven columns that delineate a journey which may be roughly understood as “the challenge (the first two columns),” “the central transformation (the middle three columns),” and “the elevated self (the last two columns).” This is a journey we take as we develop each part of the mind-body-spirit.

Join us we discuss how we might understand and make use of this understanding of the Tarot in our everyday lives.

The poster referenced in this video can be found here: