Film Screening & Community Conversation Evening (Public) In conjunction with Children of the Setting Sun Productions of Lummi Nation + Spirit Farm of Navajo Nation
“The Village of Lovers,” a film about community (Public) The story of how one intentional community has managed to survive and thrive for almost 50 years.
Apologies (Public) “The Intermodal What?” you may be saying... It certainly has been barren on the site as far as new posts go. I apologize for not writing more regularly. When I started this site I had visions of it becoming the way I made my income. That hasn’t come to
Submissions are open for the final Leaping Fool Winter Writers Series event of the season “T H E L E A P I N G F O O L” winter writers series continues with one final event this season taking place Thursday, 2/15, 6–8pm at the Orcas Island Winery. Submissions for that reading are now open. February’s theme will be “Messages from
The Leaping Fool this Thursday at Orcas Island Winery (Public) I’m so excited for this Thursday and kick off of another season of The Leaping Fool Winter Writers Series! We’ll have ten local writer’s reading their work. Some pieces were penned just for this event! The theme will be “With Fire.” Things might get hot. Come join